Photography: Akira Nakamura
Words: Rei Yamakura @idreit_com
The Plant Society Journal 07
A life with plants : Rika Hiratsuji
We interviewed architect Rika Hiratsuji, co-founder of moyadesign (@moyadesign_jp). Today, she lives with many Australian native plants, styled by The Plant Society Tokyo, in her residence in Yokohama, which she recently designed by herself. After being so transient and having limited opportunities to grow plants, Rika surrounds herself with greenery. Read the full story of how Rika started a happy life with plants.
今回のプランツ・ピープルは、自らリノベーションのデザインを手掛けた、横浜市の自邸で植物と暮らす、moyadesign(@moyadesign_jp)の共同代表を務める建築家の平辻里佳さん。オーストラリアの植物を育てたい、という強い思いを持っていた平辻さんからの依頼を受けて、The Plant Societyがスタイリングを手掛けた事例です。転居が続き、なかなか植物を育てる機会が得られなかったという平辻さんが、大好きな植物に囲まれてハッピーに暮らすまでのストーリーをぜひご覧ください。
Having lived in Perth and Darwin, Australia, for the past five years, Rika first became aware of The Plant Society through the popular cafe Higher Ground in Melbourne. She was impressed by the plant styling of the cafe, with immense green life and discovered Jason from The Plant Society had styled the cafe. She had also visited our flagship store in Collingwood.
過去に5年ほどオーストラリアのパースやダーウィンに住んでいた平辻さんがプラントソサエティを知ったきっかけは、メルボルンの人気カフェHigher Groundだった。「店内に、ものすごい量の生き生きしたグリーンが置かれている様子を見て感激し、誰がスタイリングしたのかを調べていて、The Plant Societyの存在を知りました」。コリングウッドの本店も訪れたことがあったという。
Rika then returned to Japan in 2021 and worked on the renovation design of a room in a 30-year-old apartment building where she is going to live with her family. As the location was on the top floor of a building with windows on three sides, she made the living room as spacious as possible and created a pleasant interior with breezy vibes. From the beginning of the project, she planned to have a lot of plants, so the interior finishes were chosen in low-key tones, such as white walls, grey finishes and oak timber, to harmonise with greenery.
During the design stage, Rika heard the news that The Plant Society was opening Tokyo outpost, "I wanted to grow Australian plants, so why not ask them!! and I offered them to do the styling," she recalls. She told TPS that some plants would be placed in the kitchen and entrance and that she wanted to avoid sharp leaves for safety reasons, leaving the specific choice to TPS.
As a result, Rika is very happy with Jason's choice of plants and pots and enjoys looking after them. "I really like my kitchen with greenery inside and outside facing by the window. The plants connect the interior and exterior, and we also feel very comfortable here, as we can see the forest in the distance from the kitchen windows.
Besides, there is an Australian Banksia on the north balcony, the only plant Rika requested, where her family could sit on a chair and relax. "I also like the white glazed handmade pots by Leaf & Thread and the lovely Mio planters with Hoya ‘Indian Rope’ in it," she added.
北側のバルコニーでは平辻さんが唯一リクエストしたというオーストラリア原産のバンクシアが置かれ、寛げる一角となっている。また、プランターにも愛着があり「釉薬を使ったものはあまり他で見たことがなかったので、サンセベリアを植えたリーフ&スレットの白い鉢が気に入っています。それから、葉が分厚くてかわいいホヤ インディアンロープを入れた、表面がひび割れた表情のミオプランターもお気に入り」という。
When we asked Rika about the benefits of living with plants in the house, she said, "It is great fun to be able to share with children the growth of plants, such as flowers blooming, and buds appearing." She also says that the time she spends watering her plants is a good healing experience. "When I joined a workshop in TPS Tokyo, Jason said, 'Caring for plants is a kind of meditation', which I feel is exactly right. I water them every Friday night, which helps refresh my mind by focusing on the plants". She currently works from home as an architect, so it is very comfortable to see live plants in her home. The beautiful kitchen counter, which she designed with tiles for easy watering, is much used for plant maintenance today.
Rika, a nature lover who grew up in wooded areas and lakes, has worked with landscape architects and has been assigned to design exteriors on many projects in her architectural career. At the end of the interview, she told us that her interest in plants has been growing recently and she would like to study landscape design in the future if she has more time.
Rika Hiratsuji / moyadesign |
Moyadesign is an architectural design office co-led by Yuki Haba and Rika Hiratsuji. The duo founded the office in 2012 after working at Kengo Kuma & Associates. They work on a wide range of designs, including houses, shops, nurseries, clinics, furniture, interiors and landscapes. 羽場友紀と平辻里佳の共同主宰によるモヤデザイン一級建築士事務所を、隈研吾建築都市設計事務所を経て2012年に創設。住宅や店舗、保育園、医院等の設計から、家具、インテリア、ランドスケープデザインまでを幅広く展開。 |