A life with plants : Anno Leon

The Plant Society Journal 02

A life with plants : Hiroyuki Ogura

In this featured interview series, we meet plant people, gardeners and creators who make plant related goods to introduce, to you, their delightful life with plants. This time, we meet Japanese designer Hiroyuki Ogura, a director of Osaka-based interior design studio Drawers. Hiroyuki is also known as the founder of the ethical product brand wa/ter (@water_products_design), which he founded in 2020.

植物のある暮らしをそれぞれのスタイルで楽しむ、プランツ・ピープルや園芸家などに、植物との楽しい日常を聞くインタビューの第2回は、大阪を拠点とするデザイン事務所 DRAWERSの代表で、2020年からは新たなブランド wa/ter(@water_products_design)を立ち上げ、大量生産と正反対の視点から環境に配慮したプロダクトを展開している、小倉寛之さん(@tete_drawer)に話を聞いた。

Photography: Daisuke Shima @daisuke_shima_photography / Hiroyuki Ogura @tete_drawer

Words: Rei Yamakura @idreit_com

Hiroyuki designs a wide range of spaces all over Japan, including restaurants to wedding venues and fashion stores. In his busy life, he grows many plants on his studio’s rooftop on the third floor of the building. When we asked him about his passion for plants, he said, “I’ve been working in the interior design field for more than 20 years and have designed many projects featuring plants. In the past, I used to place greenery in poor environments, hoping to erase its negativity with the charm of plants. But now we have the opposite idea. Instead of putting plants in places where it is difficult to grow them, we look for places where plants can thrive and grow, and put plants that fit there.”


His design studio Drawers roof terrace on the third floor..

He added, “A well-grown plant in the right environment gives you a good vibe and energy. I think it would be best if, instead of using leased plants, we put the appropriate plants and encourage users to enjoy growing them. I mean, creating a happy relationship between the user and the plants would be great! “


Hiroyuki Ogura    

In commercial facilities, weakened or dead plants are sometimes immediately thrown away. Hiroyuki sometimes takes them back to his office to cure them on a sunny rooftop in such cases.

“Even if it looks dead, many plants will sprout again. Sometimes our terrace works like a rehabilitation centre, haha. It’s nice to see the plants coming back to life. Besides, while watering the growing plants, I am thinking about the architectural design that fits with the environment and how to nurture the staff,” he said.


Hiroyuki went to the workshop of Tajika and got a pair of new Tajika scissors, well known for their sharpness.
The smaller one is designed for herbs.

He works with gardeners and florists, so he has learnt how to take care of the plants on construction sites, and his knowledge has gradually increased. Hiroyuki’s favourite plants, such as Acacia, Lady Banks’ Rose, Australian plants and herbs, grow in pots and plantings in his current studio. During the pandemic, he has started to display cut flowers in his home and office and is planning to produce recycled glass vases under his product brand.


The interior of his design studio. They use a wide variety of vintage furniture with flowers and plants.

At the end of the interview, we asked him what he recently loves to do, and he laughed and said that he enjoyed cooking with local food and drawing oil paintings at Island Living, their remote office and holiday home.

Hiroyuki said, “I realize that it’s time to stop looking at my smartphone and do something analogue. Whether it’s drawing, playing sports or anything else, I feel that we need to spend time away from our digital tools. I like to feel the change of nature and seasons in my life. Just watering the plants is refreshing, and for me, I really enjoy taking care of my plants with hand-made garden scissors I recently bought.”

取材の終わりに、最近、夢中になっていることを聞くと、彼らのリモートオフィスでもあり、一棟貸しの別荘としても運営する「ISLAND LIVING」(@islandliving_awaji)で、地産食材で料理をしたり、油絵を書きながら過ごす時間が楽しいと笑う。「サッカーでも釣りでも何でもいいと思うのですが、デジタルと離れて過ごす必要があると感じます。自然の変化に合わせて育つものを見るのは良いものですし、植物にただ水やりをするだけでも、気持ちがすっきりするんです。そして、季節の変化を感じることもできる。最近買ったばかりのよく切れる植木鋏で植物を手入れするのも楽しい時間ですね。画面を見続けることから離れ、心と頭の中をクリアにできるアナログなことに向き合うのが大切だとあらためて感じているところです」と語ってくれた。

Hiroyuki enjoys oil painting on his off time at his weekend house called 'ISLAND LIVING' in Awaji Island.

Hiroyuki Ogura / DRAWER

Born in Ono City, Hyogo Prefecture. Graduated from Kyoto University of the Arts, Department of Environmental Design. After working for design studio cafe co., Ogura established his own studio DRAWERS in 2011. Sustainable cycles and a better future are the themes of his work. Since 2020, they have launched the product brand wa/ter as spontaneous activity.

小倉寛之 兵庫県小野市出身。京都造形芸術大学(現/京都芸術大学)芸術学部環境デザイン学科卒。
cafe co.勤務ののち、2011年DRAWERS設立。循環し、未来につながる創作活動に取り組む。
wa/ter(product design)
ISLAND LIVING (vacation rental)

Hiroyuki Ogura(@tete_drawer)