
MIFGS Styling Bathroom


As modern gardeners we find solace in what lies between the hard edges. We find comfort in the green fronds and tendrils that caress and soften the modern world we live in. The experiences of our recent past, coupled with our developing city, have inspired us to reconnect our inner selves to nature. The world over has nurtured indoor greenery - immersing ourselves in experimenting with plants and planters to restore our minds whilst celebrating our inner plant personalities.  

We welcome you to your greener home.

-Jason Chongue-


Why not take advantage of the perfect micro-climate? The bathroom is often humid allowing for some interesting plants. As it thrives it will repay you with a tranquil bathing space.

Plants to Use in The Dining Room

  • Peacock plant (Calathea) – Peacock plants love humidity.
  • Mistletoe cactus (Rhipsalis) – This rainforest succulent will enjoy the warmer conditions.

Styling Tips

  • To soften your vanity, incorporate some smaller plants in a corner.
  • Use mirrors to reflect your greenery and make your bathroom feel bigger.

Styling Plants

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Styling Planters

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