Peacock Plant (Calathea 'Musaica')
Calathea 'Musaica'
Calathea 'Musaica' has a beautiful network or mosaic-like pattern on its leaves. The wide range of patterning and textures in the Calathea genus vary greatly, so you're sure to find the perfect foliage to layer with in your home. Their vividly patterned leaves are typically oval shaped with strong leaf veining and marking. Calatheas like high humidity and indirect light and can tolerate low to medium light.
Generally they like the soil to be moist. This means watering the soil well and allowing the plant to drain off the excess water. They will rot easily if left in soil that hasn't drained properly though, so make sure that they are planted in a pot with a drainage hole.
*Pot sold separately.
*As plants are natural products, form, pattern and colour will vary slightly.
Skill level
Alternative names
Peacock Plant, Goeppertia kegeljanii, Network plant