Monkey Tail Cactus (Cleistocactus colademononis)

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These fast-growing cactus are highly sought after for their ornamental qualities and easy care.

As this plant matures and its stems will sprawl and hang, creating an eye-catching fountain of fleshy tails. Each stem is covered in silver spikes, giving it a furry appearance.

The flowers are a bright, salmon red and can grow up to 5cm across. They open along the stems in the warmer months of spring and summer. A cold winter will encourage flowering so find a sheltered spot outside for your Monkey Tail to promote this. 

A fun plant to watch grow and one that if cared for right will last generations!

*As plants are natural products, form, pattern and colour will vary slightly.

Plant pairings

Other easy care plants>

Other bright light plants>

Other arid plants>

Pot size guide (mm)

This is a general guide of the size we offer:

Size 1   70mm - 100mm pot

Size 2  110mm-130mm pot

Size 3  140mm - 180mm pot

Size 4  200mm pot

Size 5  250mm pot

Size 6  300mm pot

Size 7  350mm pot

Size 8  400mm pot

Skill level



Prefers bright light to harsh light.

Water sparingly and keep mostly dry. Water once the surface of the soil looks dry.

Feed with slow-release fertiliser once every six months (refers to packaging for dosage).In the warmer months, feed monthly with a liquid fertiliser.

Cool to warm.